Abeka Curriculum - What is it and Should I Use It?

Homeschool High School Math Curriculum - Abeka Curriculum - What is it and Should I Use It?

Good evening. Yesterday, I discovered Homeschool High School Math Curriculum - Abeka Curriculum - What is it and Should I Use It?. Which is very helpful if you ask me and also you. Abeka Curriculum - What is it and Should I Use It?

Abeka curriculum is authentically very favorite and well known. It appeals to parents because there are teacher manuals and textbooks for each subject. Although it is very approved and a great base for those starting home schooling, there are some pitfalls you need to watch out for.

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Homeschool High School Math Curriculum

Lots of reading - If your child likes to read books and textbooks, Abeka should be fine for you. Be aware that some students burn out on it because of the quantity and capability of reading material.

Created for schools - Abeka curriculum is used in many Christian schools and is designed to be used in a classroom setting. If you are looking for a school-at-home curriculum, then this might be just the program you are looking for. They have a strong math and phonics program an is Christian-based. Biblical principles are interwoven throughout the textbooks.

Accelerated - If your child is an average student for the grade that you use, Abeka might be too difficult for them. Most of their curriculum is a grade level above the communal school standards.

You can find their booths at many home school conventions as well as at many hotels throughout the country where they have displays and meetings. Parents like it because it tells you what to say in the teacher manuals. If you like to teach as a parent and not as a classroom teacher, you might want to adapt the curriculum or choose something more in your style of teaching.

Abeka curriculum is a well known homeschool program that uses Christian values and Biblical principles to teach your child what they need to know. They offer all subjects required by schools along with Bible. As with any book or curriculum choices you will want to weigh your child's learning style and your teaching style to make sure you make wise curriculum/book choices that will give you a great homeschooling year.

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Everyday Education - Janice Campbell's Site For Homeschooling Teens Through High School- Transcripts Made Easy, Get A Jump Start On College, And Soon, High School Literature For Ho

Homeschool Diploma - Everyday Education - Janice Campbell's Site For Homeschooling Teens Through High School- Transcripts Made Easy, Get A Jump Start On College, And Soon, High School Literature For Ho

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How is Everyday Education - Janice Campbell's Site For Homeschooling Teens Through High School- Transcripts Made Easy, Get A Jump Start On College, And Soon, High School Literature For Ho

Everyday Education - Janice Campbell's Site For Homeschooling Teens Through High School- Transcripts Made Easy, Get A Jump Start On College, And Soon, High School Literature For Ho Video Clips. Duration : 1.23 Mins.

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Home School Graduation - Mari's Diploma Presentation (5/30/2009)

Homeschool Diploma - Home School Graduation - Mari's Diploma Presentation (5/30/2009)

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How is Home School Graduation - Mari's Diploma Presentation (5/30/2009)

Home School Graduation - Mari's Diploma Presentation (5/30/2009) Tube. Duration : 8.05 Mins.

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Gender Differences In studying Style exact To Science, Technology, Engineering And Math - Stem

Math U See - Gender Differences In studying Style exact To Science, Technology, Engineering And Math - Stem

Good afternoon. Yesterday, I found out about Math U See - Gender Differences In studying Style exact To Science, Technology, Engineering And Math - Stem. Which could be very helpful in my experience and also you. Gender Differences In studying Style exact To Science, Technology, Engineering And Math - Stem

There are gender differences in studying styles definite to science, math, engineering and technology (Stem) that teachers of these subjects should keep in mind when developing chapter plans and teaching in the classroom. First, overall, girls have much less taste in the hands-on application of studying system in lab settings than boys. This could occur in the computer lab, the science lab, or the auto lab – the principle is the same for all of these settings – it requires an whole technology problem-solving schema, accompanied by use and manipulation of tools, and spatial relation skills that very few girls bring with them to the classroom on day one in comparison to boys.

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Math U See

Let’s look at some of the reasons why girls come to the Stem classroom with less of the core skills needed for success in this subject area. Overall, girls and boys play with distinct kinds of games in early childhood that furnish distinct types of studying experiences. Most girls play games that emphasize relationships (i.e., playing house, playing with dolls) or creativity (i.e., drawing, painting). In contrast, boys play computer and video games or games that emphasize construction (i.e., Lego®), both of which establish problem-solving, spatial-relationship and hands-on skills.

A study of gender differences in spatial relations skills of engineering students in the U.S. And Brazil found that there was a large disparity in the middle of the skills of female and male students. These studies attributed female student’s lesser skills set to two statistically principal factors: 1) less taste playing with construction toys and 2) having taken less drafting courses prior to the engineering program. Spatial relations skills are principal to engineering. A gender study of computer science majors at Carnegie-Mellon University (one of the famed computer science programs in the country) found that, overall, male students come qualified with much good computer skills than female students. This equips male students with a principal advantage in the classroom and could impact the confidence of female students.

Are these gender differences nature or nurture? There is principal evidence that they are nurture. Studies show that most prominent computer and video games appeal to male interests and have predominantly male characters and themes, thus it is not surprising that girls are much less concerned in playing them. A study of computer games by Children Now found that 17% of the games have female characters and of these, 50% are either props, they tend to faint, have high-pitched voices, and are highly sexualized.

There are a number of studies that recommend that when girls and women are provided with the construction blocks they need to effect in Stem they will do as well if not good than their male counterparts. An preliminary Engineering Robotics class found that while males did somewhat good on the pre-test than females, females did as well as the males on the post-test following the class’s completion.

Another principal area of gender divergence that teachers of Stem should keep in mind has less to do with actual skills and taste and more to do with perceptions and confidence. For females, confidence is a predictor of success in the Stem classroom. They are much less likely to maintain interest if they feel they are incapable of mastering the material. Unfortunately, two factors work against female confidence level: 1) most girls will no ifs ands or buts have less taste with Stem policy content than their male counterparts and 2) males tend to overplay their accomplishments while females minimize their own. A study done of Carnegie Mellon Computer Science PhD students found that even when male and female students were doing equally well grade wise, female students reported feeling less comfortable. Fifty-three percent of males rated themselves as “highly prepared” in divergence to 0% of females.

It is prominent to note that many of the studying style differences described above are not strictly gender-based. They are instead based on differences of students with a background in Stem, problem-solving, and hands-on skills learned from childhood play and life taste and those who haven’t had the same type of exposure. A relate of the literature on minority students and Stem finds that students of color are less likely to have the Stem background experiences and thus are missing many of the same Stem construction blocks as girls and have the same lack of confidence. Many of the Stem curriculum and pedagogy solutions that work for female students will also work for students of color for this reason.

Bridge Classes/Modules to Ensure Core Skills

Teachers will likely see a gap in the core Stem skills of female and minority students for the reasons described above. Below are some solutions applied elsewhere to ensure that girls and women (and students of color) will get the construction block Stem skills that many will be missing.

Teachers in the Cisco Academy Gender Initiative study assessed the skill levels of each of their students and then provided them with individualized chapter plans to ensure their success that ran parallel to the class assignments. Other teachers taught key skills not included in the curriculum at the beginning of the course, such as calculating math integers and tool identification and use. Students were provided with further lab time, staffed by a female teaching assistant, knowing that the female students would disproportionately advantage from further hands-on experience.

Carnegie-Mellon University came to view their curriculum as a continuum, with students entering at distinct points based on their background and experience. Carnegie-Mellon’s new frame of a “continuum” is purposefully distinct than the former negative model in which classes start with a high bar that necessitates “remedial” tutoring for students with less experience, stigmatizing them and undermining their confidence. Below is a list of ideas and suggestions that will help All students to effect in the Stem classroom.

1. construction Confidence

How do teachers build confidence in female students who often have less taste than their male counterparts and perceive they are behind even when they are not?

1) Practice-based taste and research has shown that ensuring female students have the chance to gain taste with Stem, in a supportive environment, will increase their confidence level.

2) Bringing in female role models that have been successful in the Stem field is an additional one prominent parallel strategy that should be used to aid your female students in finding themselves as capable of mastering Stem classes: if she could do it, then I can too!

3) Consistent positive reinforcement by Stem teachers of their female students, with a positive prospect of outcome, will aid them in hanging in there while those difficult beginning weeks when they have not yet advanced a technology schema or hands-on proficiency and all they undertake seems like a huge challenge.

2. Involving to Female Interests

Many of the typical Stem activities for the classroom appeal to male interests and turn off girls. For example, curriculum in robots often involves monsters that explode or cars that go fast. “Roboeducators” observed that robots complicated in execution art or are characterized as animals are more Involving to girls. Engineering activities can be about how a hair dryer works or designing a playground for those with disabilities as well as about construction bridges. Teachers should reconsider using all types of examples when they are teaching and incorporating activities in efforts to appeal female and male interests. Teachers can also direct students to come up with their own projects as a way of ensuring girls can work in an area of significance to them.

Research also shows that there are Mars/Venus differences in the middle of the genders and how each engages in technology. Overall, girls and women are excited by how the technology will be used – its application and context. Men will discuss how big the hard drive or engine is, how fast the processor runs, and deliberate upon the merits of one motherboard or engine versus another. These are topics that are, overall, of less interest to most females.

The Carnegie-Mellon Study took into catalogue the differences of what engages female students and modified the Computer Science programs’ curriculum so that the context for the agenda was taught much earlier on in the semester and moved some of the more technical aspects of the curriculum (such as coding) to later in the semester. Authors observed that the female students were much more positive about getting through the tedious coding classes when they understood the purpose of it. Teachers should ensure that the context for the technology they are teaching is addressed early on in the semester by using real world stories and case studies to capture the interest of all of their students.

3. Group Dynamics in the Classroom

Research studies by American relationship of University Women and Children Now have found that most females prefer collaboration and not competition in the classroom. Conversely, most males greatly enjoy competition as a method of studying and play. Many hands-on activities in technology classes are set up as competitions. Robotics for example, usually uses competitiveness as a methodology of teaching. Teachers should
be cognizant of the preference of many girls for collaborative work and should add-in these types of exercises to their classes. Some ways to do this are by having students work in assigned pairs or teams and having a team grade as well as an private grade. (See Reading 2 on Cooperative Learning.)

Another Mars/Venus dynamic that Stem teachers should be aware of occurs in the lab there male students will usually dominate the equipment and females will take notes or simply watch. Overall, male students have more taste and thus confidence with hands-on lab equipment than their female counterparts. Teachers should create situations to ensure that their female students are spending an equal number of time in hands-on activities. Some approaches have been: 1) to pair the female students only with each other while labs in the beginning of the class semester so that they get the hands-on time and their confidence increases, putting them in a good position to work effectively with the male students later on, 2) allot a definite time for each student in pair to use the lab equipment and announce when it’s time to switch and monitor this, and 3) furnish feedback to male students who are taking over by letting them know that their partner needs to do the operation as well.

4. Involving Female Students from Passive Learners to Proactive question Solvers

The main skill in Stem is question solving in hands-on lab situations. For reasons already discussed about a lack of experience, most girls don’t come to Stem classes with these problem-solving skills. Instead, girls often want to be shown how to do things, repeatedly, rather than experimenting in a lab setting to get to the answer. Adding to this issue, many girls fear that they will break the equipment. In contrast, male students will often jump in and manipulate the equipment before being given any instructions by their teacher. Teachers can address this by such activities as: 1) having them take apart old equipment and put it together again, 2) creating “scavenger hunt” exercises that force them to navigate through menus, and 3) emphasizing that they are studying the question solving process and that this is equally prominent to studying the content of the chapter and insisting that they figure out hands-on exercises on their own.

Research has also shown that females tend to engage in Stem activities in a rote, smaller picture way while males use higher order reasoning skills to understand the bigger picture and the relationship in the middle of the parts. Again, Involving female students (and the non-techsavvy student in general) to become question solvers (versus just insight the content piece of the Stem puzzle) will move them to use higher order reasoning skills in Stem.

Finally, many teachers have reported that many female students will often want to understand how all relates to each other before they move into operation in the lab or move through a chapter plan to faultless a definite activity. The female students try to avoid making mistakes along the way and will not only want to read the documentation needed for the lesson, they will often want to read the whole hand-operated before taking any action. In contrast, the male student often needs to be convinced to look at the documentation at all. Boys are not as concerned with making a mistake a long the way as long as what they do finally works. The disadvantage for female students is that they often are so worried about insight the whole picture that they don’t move onto the hands-on operation or they don’t do it in a timely fashion, so that they are consistently the last ones in the class to finish. Teachers can aid female (and non-tech-savvy) students to move through class material more swiftly by providing study on how to swiftly scan for only the principal facts needed to faultless an assignment.

5. Role Models

Since the numbers of women in Stem are still small, girls have very few opportunities to see female role models solving science, technology, engineering or math problems. Teachers should bring female role models into the classroom as guest speakers or teachers, or visit them on industry tours, to send the message to girls that they can effect in the Stem classroom and careers.


Medina, Afonso, Celso, Helena B.P. Gerson, and Sheryl A. Sorby. “Identifying Gender Differences in the 3-D Visualization Skills of Engineering Students in Brazil and in the United States”. International Network for Engineering Eucation and research page. 2 August 2004: [http://www.ineer.org/Events/Icee/papers/193.pdf].

Milto, Elissa, Chris Rogers, and Merredith Portsmore. “Gender Differences in confidence Levels, Group Interactions, and Feelings about Competition in an preliminary Robotics Course”. American society for Engineering study page. 8 July 2004: [http://fie.engrng.pitt.edu/fie2002/papers/1597.pdf].

“Fair Play: Violence, Gender and Race in Video Games 2001”. Children Now page. 19 August 2004: [http://www.childrennow.org/media/video-games/2001/].

“Girls and Gaming: Gender and Video Game Marketing, 2000”. Children Now page. 17 June 2004: [http://www.childrennow.org/media/medianow/mnwinter2001.html].

Tech-Savvy: Educating Girls in the New Computer Age. District of Columbia: American relationship of University Women Educational Foundation, 2000.

Margolis, Jane and Allan Fisher. Unlocking the Computer Clubhouse: Women in Computer. Cambridge, Ma: The Mit Press, 2003.

Taglia, Dan and Kenneth Berry. “Girls in Robotics”. Online Posting. 16 September 2004: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/roboeducators/.

“Cisco Gender Initiative”. Cisco studying Institute. 30 July 2004: [http://gender.ciscolearning.org/Strategies/Strategies_by_Type/Index.html].

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TN HB1652 HHEd 2008-04-29 part 2 of 2

Homeschool Diploma - TN HB1652 HHEd 2008-04-29 part 2 of 2

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How is TN HB1652 HHEd 2008-04-29 part 2 of 2

TN HB1652 HHEd 2008-04-29 part 2 of 2 Video Clips. Duration : 7.83 Mins.

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Glenn Beck Hates Education?

Homeschool Diploma - Glenn Beck Hates Education?

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How is Glenn Beck Hates Education?

Glenn Beck Hates Education? Tube. Duration : 6.92 Mins.

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Lost High School Diploma

Homeschool High School Math Curriculum - Lost High School Diploma

Good evening. Today, I learned about Homeschool High School Math Curriculum - Lost High School Diploma. Which is very helpful in my experience therefore you. Lost High School Diploma

A high school diploma is the certificate awarded to a learner who has successfully completed his/ her high school education. This diploma is the minimum requirement that each individual should possess, while applying for any higher degree or job. A lost high school diploma is therefore a real question on one's road to a thriving career. But there is no need of panic, as a lost high school diploma can be supplanted with a duplicate.

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Homeschool High School Math Curriculum

There are varied steps complex in requesting for the transfer of a lost high school diploma. A copy of the grade transcripts is the first principal thing to be secured before requesting for the lost diploma, since transcripts are the actual proof of graduation. In many instances, the grade transcripts are adequate proof of the candidate having graduated. Transcripts are ready for a lower fee and will be delivered in a shorter time.

The first step for the acquisition of a duplicate certificate is the submission of a written requisition letter, or properly filled duplicate ask application form, to the involved authority. The letter should comprise one's full name, date of birth, date of completion of diploma together with month and year, and signature. The applicant is to contribute the address to which the duplicate diploma certificate should be sent.

A fee is charged for the transfer of a lost high school diploma. After this, the fully filled application and the proof of the fee payment have to be submitted to the involved department. After verification and approval, the duplicate certificate replacing the lost high school diploma will be issued. Along with the application and letter, the high school authorities will want some tangible proof such as the copy of a driver's license or photo identification that includes one's birth date.

The whole process may take about three to eight weeks, as the certificate has to be ordered and printed individually.

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What Are The Best Home education Programs?

Homeschool High School Math Curriculum - What Are The Best Home education Programs?

Good evening. Yesterday, I found out about Homeschool High School Math Curriculum - What Are The Best Home education Programs?. Which is very helpful in my experience and you. What Are The Best Home education Programs?

Most home instruction programs are fully widespread and contribute all things you would need for your child's perfect k-12 education. However, you should keep in mind that many experienced home schoolers do not stick to just one program. They pick and pick from what they believe are best of each of the varied programs. I cover in greater information how population mix and match in my home instruction newsletter.

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Homeschool High School Math Curriculum

There are many favorite and respected home instruction programs. The ones I'll cover briefly here are Saxon, town for learning and Curriculum Associates.

Perhaps one of the more customary home instruction programs comes from Saxon. Saxon is a part of Harcourt Achieve, a publisher that provides a collection of educational materials over varied subjects. Saxon focuses on math, phonics and early learning. Many home schoolers like Saxon's math texts. Math is an area that children will need devotee instruction in. If the parents don't have a math background, Saxon may be the right math program for your child.

The town for learning is someone else of the great home instruction programs. They contribute curriculum materials to public, underground and parochial schools. They are also a favorite selection of home schoolers. Just as Saxon provides good math texts, the town for learning provides materials on English, Language Arts, Drama and public Studies. They contribute religious materials.

Finally, someone else favorite among the varied home instruction programs is Curriculum Associates. Their materials focus on Reading, Language Arts and Math. They also have materials on test preparation, study skills and assessment.

As I mentioned, most parents will not stick to any one of the home instruction programs. They will pick Reading from this publisher and Math from that one. They often find what they like best straight through experimentation or from what their friends recommend.

So, which of the home instruction programs do you choose? If it were me, I would taste your State's group of instruction Home School taste person. This personel will know what programs with which students are having the most success.

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ADVANCE Essay Writing Formula - Edit and Enunciate

Homeschool Diploma - ADVANCE Essay Writing Formula - Edit and Enunciate

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How is ADVANCE Essay Writing Formula - Edit and Enunciate

ADVANCE Essay Writing Formula - Edit and Enunciate Video Clips. Duration : 9.65 Mins.

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Crowning Blessings - A Fun Bible Object episode For Kids

Homeschool Math Curriculum Reviews - Crowning Blessings - A Fun Bible Object episode For Kids

Hi friends. Yesterday, I learned about Homeschool Math Curriculum Reviews - Crowning Blessings - A Fun Bible Object episode For Kids. Which is very helpful if you ask me so you. Crowning Blessings - A Fun Bible Object episode For Kids

God's spectacular, blessings abound! His creation alone speaks volumes about His spectacular, creative character. Here's a fun object lesson on God's crowning blessings to help them reconsider the goodness of God.

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Homeschool Math Curriculum Reviews

Here's What You Do:

The object you will use for this lesson will be a crown. I naturally found a nice plastic ornate crown at one of my local party stores. But you could even use a crown that you originate out of construction paper if you would like.

Hold up your crown and ask the following questions to help stimulate discussion.

1. What am I holding? (Wait for answers such as "a crown".)

2. What is a crown for? (Wait for answers such as "a king or queen wears it to show that they are royalty or special in some way".)

3. Is a crown ever given for any other surmise than for royalty? (Wait for answers. If they have a hard time, elucidate that crowns were often given by the Romans to athletes who were great in their fields of sports. In America, we crown a woman to be Miss America because she has shown that she deserves to be honored for her character and beauty.)

4. Ask a child to read Psalm 65:11. (I used the New King James version.)

5. Say the following: "This verse shows us that God gives a crown to a year filled with His blessings. Let's learn 3 foremost points about this truth."

Point One On a farm, harvest time is the many time of year. It's when all the hard work of the farmer finally pays off and God rewards him with spectacular, fruits and vegetables. You could say that harvest time should be rewarded a crown because of all the goodness that is given.

Point Two God gives us great times of blessing just like He gives the farmer while harvest time. But His blessings don't always come at clear times of the year. They can be found every day in our lives. He watches over us when we sleep or when we wake. His love is like a river to us that has no end. But sometimes God's blessings are extra special. You could say they deserve a crown!

Point Three Extra special blessings from God deserve extra special thanks to God. Since He has given you blessings that deserve a crown, give Him praise that deserves a crown. Be thankful for all that He has done.

After your lesson is over, you could have the children draw a crown containing an illustration of a up-to-date blessing they have experienced from God. Have fun!

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Timez assault

Homeschool High School Math Curriculum - Timez assault

Hello everybody. Yesterday, I discovered Homeschool High School Math Curriculum - Timez assault. Which could be very helpful in my experience therefore you. Timez assault

This computer schedule teaches the times tables in a fun and consuming way for young mathematicians - and non-mathematicians! It's like something they would play on Nintendo or Game Boy ... But on this game, you need to write back the questions correctly (times tables) in order to get the golden key and improve to the level.

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Homeschool High School Math Curriculum

Being the sneaky mom that I am, I loaded it up and started playing it myself (turning up the volume very loudly!) Soon, both my kids were saying, "no mom - go here!", "push this button", "Mom ... You are gonna loose or walk over a cliff!!!" and the final, "Mom, you indubitably need to let me play this game cause you are gonna loose." Can you tell I'm indubitably bad a video games? Obviously, this game is very consuming and even though it starts out with very uncomplicated mathematics, the game itself is so fun, the kids don't realize they are learning - or reviewing facts they already know.

Timez charge is a great game for High Functioning special Needs Kids. It is easy for them to form out - even this old mom figured out how to make it walk and such - of course, the directions are there if you want. But who needs directions when you can push buttons and make it work? My son who has Aspergers, Adhd and Odd figured it all out without any "directions" at all.

The only thing that might be tough for some kids is the timer. Some Aspergers kids or Adhd kids don't do well with the intensity a timer creates. I realize that with "normal" kids, this would not be a factor, but with our special Needs Kids, it tends to be. It would be awesome if the originator could furnish a separate version, one with out the "timer" for our kids!

I would defiantly suggest this Computer Program. Oh, and did I mention, it's Free! Yes, you can buy an upgrade version, but my kids are having fun and learning on the Free version.

I hope you receive new knowledge about Homeschool High School Math Curriculum. Where you'll be able to put to use in your day-to-day life. And most of all, your reaction is passed about Homeschool High School Math Curriculum.

15 Ways For Teachers to Get Organized For the starting of the School Year

Teaching Textbooks - 15 Ways For Teachers to Get Organized For the starting of the School Year

Good evening. Now, I discovered Teaching Textbooks - 15 Ways For Teachers to Get Organized For the starting of the School Year. Which is very helpful to me and you. 15 Ways For Teachers to Get Organized For the starting of the School Year

All teachers need a user-friendly ideas to help stay on top of the endless marking, checking and workpages. Plan as completely as you can and if you don't already have one, develop a ideas of organization. It's truly fabulous how much paperwork and marking goes into the first year. It's easy for a new trainer to feel overwhelmed and confused. Try to avoid these first feelings by planning your lessons ahead as much as you can. Rely on a ideas that is easy and user friendly. Reconsider these tips when organizing or opening your classroom for the fall semester.

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Teaching Textbooks

Remember, being well organized and having well prepared lessons are also leading to having a well-managed class.

1) Have a computer backup plan. Purchase a flash drive, a hard drive, or Reconsider creating a google documents account.

2) If you use a paper-based program, get ready all things you need for a level entry into the school year. get ready leading calendar dates; wait until your class is established to copy in the students. If you've working with an electronic system, decree on the grade weights or averaging ideas and develop the recipe in the software.

Make sure you have a storehouse plan.

3) Have a plan for storing handouts like a stacking/filing ideas and a specific location for looking those stacks. Keep only 1 expert copy of each file and recycle last year's bulk copies. Make sure you have a copy on your computer!

4) get ready a make-up work plan and location that is ready for activity by the first day of school. You never know when you'll need it!

5) select a location for this year's paperwork. If you keep an personel student file for each student, have an organizational ideas for each class. If you keep a detach file for each procedure or section, develop by that ideas too. Try really, really, truly hard to have an empty file cabinet drawer for this year. You can at least lay the papers down in the file cabinet and close the drawer, even if there's no time or perhaps need to file in folders.

6) Old pictures and newspaper clippings tend to yellow and turn brittle. Laminate colorful pictures and recycle the rest. Libraries are a great place to donate unwanted textbooks and old readers that students no longer need.

7) For teachers in a staff teaching the same grade(s), a collective file or portfolio can be helpful for quick and easy entrance of workpages. Again, these should be divided into skill-sets and subjects.

Organize your own supplementary reserved supply material. This can be a teacher's checklist that you consult and use frequently, some uplifting words for bad days, or a a list of reminders.

9) Have a portfolio with the school policies and regulations. You should especially know where you stand in terms of how your school deals with discipline problems. Having this file within easy entrance will absolutely help you when you are confronted with difficult and unanticipated classroom situations, which truly will happen.

10) If you are a reading teacher, you might want to have a portfolio for informal reading comments as you listen to your students read the first week. Pre-assessments e-assessments) during the first weeks of school are especially leading for getting to know your students.

11) Have folders with letters ready to send home on first or second day to parents. You may Reconsider a detach drawer with different letter folders.

12) Keep a portfolio with the significant handouts for any new student that may arrive a week or a month later. There's nothing worse than running around the room looking for leading handouts for a new student!

13) If applicable, hang a bus list. Keep an extra copy in your folder.

14) Make sure you have a program for lunch and Pe posted. This is Very leading to the students. Again, keep a expert copy in your folder.

15) Have a portfolio with blank journal templates for the first day of school. Younger students can write a letter to their parents telling them all the things they learned that day. Older ones can write a list of goals setting their intentions for a good school year. Keep supplementary folders of blank seating charts, blank papers and other templates.

I hope you have new knowledge about Teaching Textbooks. Where you possibly can put to used in your evryday life. And most importantly, your reaction is passed about Teaching Textbooks.

article Writing - How to Format a business article

Math U See - article Writing - How to Format a business article

Hello everybody. Now, I discovered Math U See - article Writing - How to Format a business article. Which is very helpful to me therefore you. article Writing - How to Format a business article


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Math U See

Report writing is a time inviting enterprise so it is a great shame if, having devoted all that time to writing your report, the quality is such that hardly whatever can be bothered to read it. Quite frankly, most report readers do not authentically read all the report; they are too short of time. You might as well know it and accept it -- that is normal. They only read the parts that interest them. Often these are the summary, the conclusions and recommendations.

Of course, some readers do need all the details you so carefully included, they are specialists, but most do not. Most readers just need two things: that the data they want is where they expect it to be so they can find it, and that it is written clearly so that they can understand it.

It is similar to reading a newspaper. You expect the news headlines to be on the front page; the sports coverage to be at the back; the Tv listings on page whatever and the editorial commentary in the middle. If what you want is not in its usual place then you have to hunt for it and you may get irritated. So it is with a report.

There is a custom as to what goes where. Stick with the custom and please your readers. Break the custom and people may get slightly angry - and bin your report.

So what is that convention, the approved format?

Standard Sections

Title Section. In a short report this may simply be the front cover. In a long one it could also comprise Terms of Reference, Table of Contents and so on.

Summary. Give a clear and very brief inventory of the main points, main conclusions and main recommendations. Keep it very short, a few percent of the total length. Some people, especially senior managers, may not read whatever else so write as if it were a stand-alone document. It isn't but for some people it might as well be. Keep it brief and free from jargon so that whatever can understand it and get the main points. Write it last, but do not copy and paste from the report itself; that rarely works well.

Introduction. This is the first part of the report proper. Use it to paint the background to 'the problem' and to show the reader why the report is foremost to them. Give your terms of reference (if not in the Title Section) and interpret how the details that result are arranged. Write it in plain English.

Main Body. This is the heart of your report, the facts. It will probably have any sections or sub-sections each with its own subtitle. It is unique to your report and will describe what you discovered about 'the problem'.

These sections are most likely to be read by experts so you can use some approved jargon but interpret it as you introduce it. Dispose the data logically, ordinarily putting things in order of priority -- most foremost first. In fact, result that advice in every section of your report.

You may select to comprise a conference in which you interpret the significance of your findings.

Conclusions. Present the logical conclusions of your investigation of 'the problem'. Bring it all together and maybe offer options for the way forward. Many people will read this section. Write it in plain English. If you have included a conference then this section may be quite short.

Recommendations. What do you propose should be done? Don't be shy; you did the work so state your recommendations in order of priority, and in plain English.

Appendices. Put the heavy details here, the data that only specialists are likely to want to see. As a guide, if some detail is valuable to your conference then comprise it in the main body, if it merely supports the conference then it could go in an appendix.

Conclusions and Recommendations

In conclusion, remember that readers expect sure data to be in sure places. They do not expect to hunt for what they want and the harder you make it for them the more likely they are to toss you report to one side and ignore it. So what should you do?

1. result the generally approved format for a report: Summary, Introduction, Main Body, Conclusions, Recommendations and Appendices.
2. Organise your data in each section in a logical fashion with the reader in mind, ordinarily putting things in order of priority - most foremost first.

Good luck with your report writing!

Author: Tony Atherton
© Tony Atherton 2005)

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Tips on How to become a Good instructor

Teaching Textbooks - Tips on How to become a Good instructor

Good evening. Now, I learned all about Teaching Textbooks - Tips on How to become a Good instructor. Which could be very helpful for me and you. Tips on How to become a Good instructor

What's the distinction in the middle of a good teacher and and a good educator?

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Teaching Textbooks

A good teacher doesn't just teach a good lesson, but also aims to educate his/her students. Studying how to come to be a good teacher isn't only about practicing how to write provocative motivating lessons, but also about finding unique ways how to motivate the students beyond the level of the material. A good teacher wants his/her students to think for himself in wasys that can be made potential beyond the level of the textbook. In order to do this successfully and on a consistent, plan at least one operation that engages the student beyond the level of the textbook.

Don't be surprised any way if suddenly you find yourself naturally choosing a new activity. Often this is what happens to new teachers who are experimenting with new and different things.

One way to do this explicitly is to ask students their opinions of various different issues. The more provocative the questions, the better their responses. In my case, I found that I was able to ask questions when I became more spontaneous. In one lesson, I taught my students about poverty using a rap song to my ninth grade students, I told the students that the next chapter they would learn an additional one side to the rap song beginning with vocabulary.

We focused on the public level awareness of targeted vocabulary. I was finding for ways to go beyond what the book had to offer in terms of how to teach vocabulary and idea about connecting the plight of rappers in the seventies to a public operation theme?

Knowing my students, I used a illustrated organizer and elicited the public operation cycle.

Immigrants come → they live in slum areas → they live in poverty → they join gang members → they are controlled by the gang members (Mafia) → they live in hopelessness →together they originate violence

Now came the real icing on the educator's cake:

I asked the class - what are some ways to take operation against this?

One student said, "write public rap songs... It's the way to stop poverty and violence."

"What is the one thing that is going to save an immigrant from not entering this cycle of poverty and hopelessness?

The kids said: "self-awareness."

I asked them "Why?" They answered "education. When you know, you have an additional one choice."

In this case, I tried to stimulate my students in non-academic ways in order to help them acquire the meanings of the targeted words which I wanted them to acquire. As you can see, relating to the students on a more direct personal level doesn't have to be wholly innovative. Educating students is beyond doubt what good teachers are all about. They try to consist of opportunities to relate to article in a value-centered way.

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High School Diploma Program Houston For Adults and Teens- Cheapest in Houston

Homeschool Diploma - High School Diploma Program Houston For Adults and Teens- Cheapest in Houston

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How is High School Diploma Program Houston For Adults and Teens- Cheapest in Houston

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trainer Tips: Organizing Your Adhd Students

Teaching Textbooks - trainer Tips: Organizing Your Adhd Students

Good morning. Yesterday, I learned all about Teaching Textbooks - trainer Tips: Organizing Your Adhd Students. Which may be very helpful in my opinion and also you. trainer Tips: Organizing Your Adhd Students

Thank you to all of our expert educators who dedicate themselves to our children! We know how difficult it can be working with Adhd children, so here are your teacher tips for the week, brought to you by the Adhd facts Library and AddinSchool.com. You can read over 500 classroom interventions at http://www.AddinSchool.com. Here are some tips on Organizing Your Adhd Students: See what you can do to help invent the Adhd child's environment. Use dividers and folders in his desk so he can unmistakably find things. Teach him how to invent himself better. These are skills that he does not know, and needs to learn. Help the child to invent his written work or numbers. Allow the child to move a pencil or his finger over the page while reading. If he's writing, allow him to use one or two fingers for spacing in the middle of words. During math, graph paper may be very helpful to invent his numbers and columns.

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Teaching Textbooks

Your learner will function good when able to anticipate times requiring increased concentration. A optic representation of the day's agenda will provide someone else opportunity to internalize classroom routine. Completing school work and maintaining behavior During the school day can be exhausting experiences. Large homework loads on a quarterly basis can become discouraging for him and very stressful for the parent involved. Exertion to have homework reduced, if possible, and exiguous to guided convention on material that he has begun to master. Exertion to break down long?term assignments into steps to lessen your student's feeling overwhelmed. Reconsider having the learner faultless every third problem, instead of answering each one. Emphasize convention and assignment completion on the word processor to lower the frustration many students feel with written work. Model an organized classroom and model the strategies you use to cope with disorganization. invent a daily classroom disposition and schedule. Show that you value society by following 5 minutes each day for the children to invent their desks, folders, etc. Reinforce society by having a "desk fairy" that gives a daily award for the most organized row of desks.

Use private assignment charts or pads that can go home with the child to be signed daily by parents if necessary. invent a clear ideas for holding track of completed and uncompleted work such as having private hanging files in which each child can place completed work and a extra briefcase for uncompleted work.

Develop a color coding recipe for your room in which each field is associated with a inevitable color that is the that subjects textbook cover and on the briefcase or workbook for that subject. invent a reward ideas for in-school work and homework completion. One example of a ideas that reinforces both work capability and work quantity involves translating points earned into "dollars" to be used for silent auction at the end of grading period. For children needing more immediate reinforcement, each completed assignment could earn the child a "raffle ticket" with her/his name on it . Prizes or extra privileges could be awarded on the basis of a random drawing held daily or weekly. Write agenda and timelines on the board each day. provide due dates for assignments each day. Divide longer assignments into sections and provide due dates or times for the completion of each section. Tape a checklist to the child's desk or put one in each field folder/notebook that outlines the steps in following directions or checking to be sure an assignment is complete. provide study guides or outlines of the article you want the child to learn, or let the child build her/his own study guide with worksheets tat have been unmistakably corrected. Be clear about when learner movement is permitted and when it is discouraged, such as During independent work times. Your learner should be encouraged to use assignment sheets, broken down by day and subject. He or his teachers can narrative assignments at the completion of each task. An organizing time at the end of each day can be helpful to secure the critical materials for the assignments and invent a plan of activity for completion. This will greatly aid the improvement of the "executive processes." Your learner can become overwhelmed with floods of paper and be unable to find the needed materials. It is often helpful to carry only two work folders, one that contains work to be completed and one with work to be filed. Reviewing these work folders should become a quarterly part of the daily routine, with irrelevant work removed.
Some students now take a small dose of their medication when they come home from school to aid in studying/homework completion. Check with the doctor about the time period of maximum medication effectiveness to help set?up a sensible homework schedule. Quite often, variability in work performance will be associated to the teacher's style and your student's temperament. Teachers tend to instruct using their own preferential studying style. Sequential teachers may help by providing more structure for him but the teacher may become frustrated with his disorganization and behavior. Random teachers, while not providing external structure, may be more likely to use flexibility in adjusting to his needs. Exertion to place your learner with teachers who have similar styles that have proven productive for their particular needs. Some teachers have received training in dealing with students with attentional problems that would make them a particularly productive resource. One of the simplest interventions with the most power is to have an extra set of textbooks at home to minimize the problem of not having the critical homework materials.
Since fine motor activities and spelling can be a problem, Reconsider a major emphasis on using a word processor at an early age. Software to convention keyboarding should have stimulating graphics to motivate their use. Using a "spell check" agenda is critical. Along with the "executive process" of organizing for homework at the end of the day, a daily check-in time at the beginning of the school day can be helpful in making ready for a thriving day. Checking the previous night's homework, highlighting changes in the daily schedule, and even pre?teaching some of the lessons for the day can ease stress.
Your learner should have a commonly scheduled time for cleaning his desk at least once a week. This will improve his capability to find his materials. It may, however, need the assistance/instruction of an adult to make this a thriving experience. Hopefully these will help the Adhd students in your classroom to be more successful. You can learn more about attentiveness Deficit Hyperactivity disorder at the Adhd facts Library.

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2011 Online Graduation

Homeschool Diploma - 2011 Online Graduation

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Three necessary Problems in English Language Teaching and studying and What to Do About Them

Teaching Textbooks - Three necessary Problems in English Language Teaching and studying and What to Do About Them

Good morning. Today, I learned all about Teaching Textbooks - Three necessary Problems in English Language Teaching and studying and What to Do About Them. Which could be very helpful to me and also you. Three necessary Problems in English Language Teaching and studying and What to Do About Them

What Can You Do?

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Teaching Textbooks

English language students, you can't live with them, you can't do without them. What's a frustrated English as a Foreign or Second language trainer going to do? English language teachers, there are good ones, so-so ones and then there are those that justice would only prevail if they were enduringly excused from the classroom. So what's a near-desperate English as a foreign language student to do?

Critical Problems

Here are the first three of the English language studying classroom's most important problems with comments on what might be done in dealing or managing each one. We'll continue the argument of the final two important problems in Elt in a second article.

1. Lack of student Motivation

Students skip class, and when they do show up it's likely due to fear of failure more than whatever else. They may lack any semblance of attentiveness while class, chatting with classmates, doodling in their note books or, (gasp!) in their textbooks. What experienced English or other foreign language teaching expert hasn't faced the qoute of reluctant, unmotivated learners? One key to addition motivation is to use activities matched to the personalities, studying styles and characteristics of the learners as often as almost possible.

2. Insufficient Time, Resources and Materials

You know the old adage, "you can never be too rich, too thin or have enough English or foreign language vocabulary. So what can you do when charged with teaching English or a foreign language in only one or two hours per week? One of the only times that was ever successfully terminated was with the pouring out of Holy Spirit on the apostles while Pentecost. (Acts 2:1 - 11) Add too minuscule time to a decided lack of resources and virtually zero other resources in many third-world classrooms and you have a important teaching / studying situation indeed. But there are ways, even on the lowest budget, of producing virtually free or very uncostly English language teaching and studying aids for use in the Efl or foreign language classroom.

3. Over-Crowded English Classes
The number of learners in a class room can range from one, for those who teach private inexpressive learners, to 15 or twenty learners in a typical classroom up to "multitudes of 35 or forty or even fifty or more learners packed into a language leaning situation. Forget whatever even remotely resembling "individual attention". Either the throng "gets it" or they don't with minuscule available to the teacher. When I'm faced with over-sized groups I immediately implement strategies using choral, small group and pair work to help in lessening the load on both me and my large group of learners. I also separate out a few of the more "advanced" learners to help me with group work elements. It doesn't solve all the problems, but it's a good start.

Your Ideas, Suggestions and Comments, Please

While it would be unquestionably impossible to furnish detailed answers to such critical, world-wide problems in the English language teaching and studying classroom here, we can identify our limitations and constraints, and collectively make an endeavor to address and overcome them. If you have ideas on any of these qoute topics, feel free to share them in comments, e-mails, forums, Elt conferences and trainer meetings. Who knows, your voice may be just the one to break open the qoute with a universally workable advent or solution.

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Last Minute Tips for HKDSE

Homeschool Diploma - Last Minute Tips for HKDSE

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How is Last Minute Tips for HKDSE

Last Minute Tips for HKDSE Video Clips. Duration : 2.25 Mins.

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instructor Accreditation

Homeschool Diploma - instructor Accreditation

Good afternoon. Yesterday, I found out about Homeschool Diploma - instructor Accreditation. Which is very helpful to me so you. instructor Accreditation

A educator accreditation is the very last important pace a educator has to take in order to be able to take his work seriously and start getting a job.

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Homeschool Diploma

All states have diverse strategies of delivering educator accreditation: distinct sort of tests, discrete associations, any institutions developing opportunities in this direction. In the Us, The National Council for Accreditation of educator instruction was founded in 1954 and it is made of a board of educators.

On its turn, this council has received approval to collate teachers' know-how from Us agency of instruction according to regional set of laws. Moreover, National Council for Accreditation of educator instruction the encompasses discrete specialized segments and has come to an impressive amount of thirty three affiliated organizations. Consequently, these organizations bring together about 3.000.000 adherents who share a normal goal - high ability education.

A educator accreditation may be acquired as long as candidates successfully overtake any estimate sessions, which check tutorial abilities and proficiency. It has to be pointed out that in United States, these kinds of valuation strategies pursue the rules and law elaborated by the National Council for Accreditation of educator Education. These expert associations are also providing financial sustain for testing and seeing the most competent personnel to gain a educator accreditation.

Having a educator accreditation stands for gaining expert recognition for your work. Some persons may have the opening of doing this step in their expert careers and gaining a postgraduate accreditation as a ensue of a school work and partnership (through a diploma) an valid recognition or even as part of a Masters degree. Working and learning for this valid recognition should only be one more explanation to sustain great development. You can also make use of this expert improvement and attend a university program.

Over the past years, other techniques of educator accreditation have been elaborated in response to the wonderful need of teachers in areas having small populations or being far from the civilized world. Ultimately, all nations have elaborated estimate techniques based on a similar pattern which steadily changed according to modern demands.

All in all, getting a educator accreditation is not as complicated as developing a work as teacher. Performance-based standards in educator accreditation focus on the skills and abilities that teachers need so as to ensure that all their students receive a ability education.

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How Much Does Homeschooling Cost, Really?

Homeschool High School Math Curriculum - How Much Does Homeschooling Cost, Really?

Hello everybody. Now, I found out about Homeschool High School Math Curriculum - How Much Does Homeschooling Cost, Really?. Which could be very helpful if you ask me therefore you. How Much Does Homeschooling Cost, Really?

You'll undoubtedly find that homeschooling entails more price than accepted communal schooling, but also that it will cost considerably less than the annual ,000 to ,000 per child that inexpressive school tuition typically runs.

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Homeschool High School Math Curriculum

The least expensive option is a communal school program tailored to homeschoolers. Those programs that allow more flexibility in choosing materials are often a bit more expensive because they may only furnish or reimburse for distinct "approved" texts and materials, or they may established annual budget limit for each student. If you select to other texts than the program recommends, you may end up having to cover the costs yourself. Some programs offer equipment, such as microscopes or computers, for loan while school terms.

Also often provided are "consumables" - items like paper, pens and pencils, workbooks, and so on - although, as well as the other materials, supplies may be microscopic to definite amounts each school term.

Private homeschooling programs vary mainly accordingly to the services they provide. Some programs, such as Calvert sell mainly complete curriculum packages. In 1995, the average tuition for a complete Calvert curriculum for a particular grade was around 0, with their advisory teaching aid (grading, testing, record maintenance) costing an additional 0. Calvert requires that textbooks and the teacher's guide be returned when the policy is completed.

Other programs like A Beka Books (a popular Christian-based program), sell personel courses and books as well as complete packages. In 1995, A Beka priced personel books from $.75 to and educator curriculum guides at about . Like Calvert, A Beka sells both curriculum-only packages ($ 120/year at elementary level) and full correspondence programs (around 0/year for elementary grades, 0/year for high school). Homeschoolers at the high school level often use accepted correspondence courses available through communal and inexpressive universities. Such courses are relatively expensive, typically 0 to 0 per course; textbooks and other required materials may or may not be included in the policy fee. For homeschoolers who desire formal reputation in specialized topics, particularly in mathematics, sciences, and foreign languages, such courses can be well worth the extra expense.

Less structured inexpressive programs may offer per family pricing rather than per child or per course. The Waldorf based Oak Meadow School offers enrollment for an entire family at about 0 per year; curriculum packages (mainly storybooks, novels, and operation guides rather than formal textbooks) range from 0 to 0 agreeing to grade level. Families can opt for educator assistance for grading, record keeping, and general guidance at to per quarter. Clonlara School is highly flexible with its services and specializes in helping unschooling families. Their 1996 to 1997 fees for record retention and curriculum guidance were 0 for one student, 5 for two or three students, and 0 for four or more students per family. Books and other supplies are additional and vary depending on the type of program you and your family chooses.

Costs for unschooling families are roughly impossible to predict, but most families evaluation they spend somewhere in the middle of 0 and ,000 for the entire family. Many families buy lots of books, crafts, games, toys, and other "stuff" without retention legal track of either it is "educational," and can count items such as computers as general family purchases it rather than as specifically educational. (Some of us deliberately avoid trying to fancy educational expenses, fearing to see the grand total.) Especially with younger children, though, it's difficult to say that such expenditures differ much from those for conventionally schooled children.

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What Do Colleges Look For? - You Might Be Surprised!

Math U See - What Do Colleges Look For? - You Might Be Surprised!

Hello everybody. Yesterday, I discovered Math U See - What Do Colleges Look For? - You Might Be Surprised!. Which could be very helpful for me and also you. What Do Colleges Look For? - You Might Be Surprised!

If you are a parent of a college-bound student, you've probably wondered, "What do colleges look for?". And, it's good that you've asked yourself that. It means you are wiling to take an active role in your child's post-secondary education. To be honest, that's more of a step in the right direction than most parents are willing to take. So, give yourself a hand!

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Math U See

The unfortunate truth is that most students will not get suitable to their first choice college or university. Either it's not taking the right courses, not being involved in enough extracurricular activities, or they simply haven't done their college study and aren't prepared for the college admission process.

In today's world of post-secondary education, college-bound students face the toughest and most competitive admissions in recent history. More students are selecting college and as a result, university admission standards are being raised. So, what do colleges look for in a prospective student? Or good yet, how can you up your chances of getting accepted? Let's recognize a few factors:

1. Get Your Grades - Now, grades come first and important when a college is deciding to offer acceptance. Nothing will get you denied quicker than a transcript full of "C's"! Taking care of your full, grade point average (or Gpa) from day one is of the most importance. Trying to dig your Gpa out of a "hole" after freshman year is not fun, and unmistakably not easy!

Another aspect that is important with regard to Gpa is definite grades in obvious subjects. As an example, let's say you are planning on majoring in engineering in college. When you go to apply, the admission representative will be finding for a strong background in math and science. If you have marginal grades in those subjects, you'll end up in the "deny" pile of applicants.

Also, take a few Ap (Advanced Placement) or honor's courses. They may be tougher and wish more time to achieve a good grade, but some schools offer extra "Gpa points" for good grades. Plus, colleges love to see those higher level courses on a transcript. They can hurt you if you can't get an "A" or a "B", so be rigorous not to bite off more than you can chew! It'll pay off in the end!

2. Enroll in the permissible Courses - Be sure that you are taking a solid college preparatory curriculum while in high school. This is the first thing admission offices will look for. Then, they'll look to see if you challenged yourself with the curriculum you chose. If you did, it'll help you.

As stated before, if you want to stand out try taking an upper-level class. Expand Placement and/or honors classes are offered at most schools across the country. Find out what they're all about, and if you think you can commit to the workload, go for it! You'll be happy that you did, but only if you can pull of the "A" or "B" grade. If not, there is a good occasion you will hurt your admission status.

3. Involvement - So, what do colleges look for with regard to activities. While it is true that involvement in extracurricular activities will improve your chances for admission, there are activities that look good than others. More schoraly things like National Honor society and Pi Sigma Pi will all the time be more impressive than, say, Art club.

Another tip is to try and find activities that show leadership qualities. Colleges want students that are society leaders, so show them that you have the drive to be a leader and you will be rewarded for it! Also, organized sports and volunteer work are great displays of leadership and are all the time a plus when listed on a transcript. So get going!

There are a lot more wee things you can do to help get admitted to your school of choice! But, we hope that these few helped shed the light on that burning question, "What do colleges look for?". Thanks for taking the time to read this article and we hope you'll visit us at eCollegePrep soon!

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Multicultural instruction in Your Classroom

Teaching Textbooks - Multicultural instruction in Your Classroom

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America has always been referred to as a melting pot, but ideally, it's a place where we strive to invite everybody to celebrate exactly who they are. As the Us habitancy is becoming increasingly diverse and technology makes the world feel increasingly smaller, it is time to make every classroom a multicultural classroom.

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Teaching Textbooks

What is Multicultural Education?
Multicultural study is more than celebrating Cinco de Mayo with tacos and piñatas or reading the latest biography of Martin Luther King Jr. It is an educational movement built on basic American values such as freedom, justice, opportunity, and equality. It is a set of strategies aimed to address the diverse challenges experienced by rapidly changing U.S. Demographics. And it is a beginning step to shifting the equilibrium of power and privilege within the study system.

The goals of multicultural study include:

- Creating a safe, accepting and victorious studying environment for all
- addition awareness of global issues
- Strengthening cultural consciousness
- Strengthening intercultural awareness
- Teaching students that there are multiple historical perspectives
- Encouraging valuable reasoning - Preventing prejudice and discrimination

Advantages of Multicultural Education
According to the National connection for Multicultural study (Name), multicultural education:

- Helps students build obvious self-image.
- Offers students an equitable educational opportunity.
- Allows multiple perspectives and ways of thinking.
- Combats stereotypes and prejudicial behavior.
- Teaches students to critique society in the interest of group justice.

Road Blocks to Implementing Multicultural study
Contrary to beloved belief, multicultural study is more than cultural awareness, but rather an initiative to encompass all under-represented groups (people of color, women, habitancy with disabilities, etc) and to ensure curriculum and article including such groups is definite and complete.

Unfortunately, multicultural study is not as easy as a yearly patrimony celebration or supplemental unit here and there. Rather, it requires schools to reform former curriculum.

Too often, students are misinformed and misguided. Not all textbooks present historical article fully and accurately. For instance, Christopher Columbus is famous as the American hero who discovered America. This take on history fully ignores the pre-European history of Native Americans and the devastation that colonization had on them. Some history books are being revised, but often, it's much easier to teach that "In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue."

Most curriculums also focus more on North America and Europe than any other region. Most students have learned about genocide through stories of the Holocaust, but do they know that hundreds of thousands of habitancy are being killed in places like Darfur and Rwanda? Despite our close presence to Latin America, American schools typically spend little time reading Latin American literature or studying about the culture and history?

Thus, multicultural study is most victorious when implemented as a schoolwide approach with reconstruction of not only curriculum, but also organizational and institutional policy.

Unfortunately most educational institutions are not prepared to implement multicultural study in their classrooms. Multicultural study requires a staff that is not only diverse, but also culturally competent. Educators must be aware, responsive and embracing of the diverse beliefs, perspectives and experiences. They must also be willing and ready to address issues of controversy. These issues include, but are not little to, racism, sexism, religious intolerance, classism, ageism, etc.

What You Can Do in Your Classroom
Just because we're facing an uphill battle doesn't mean we shouldn't take those first steps. To couple multicultural study in your classroom and your school, you can:

- couple a diverse reading list that demonstrates the universal human perceive across cultures
- Encourage society participation and group activism
- Go beyond the textbook
- By supplementing your curriculum with current events and news stories face the textbook, you can draw parallels in the middle of the distant experiences of the past and the world today.
- Creating multicultural projects that require students to select a background face of their own - recommend that your school host an in-service professional development on multi-cultural study in the classroom

Favorite Lessons in Multicultural Education
Analyze issues of racism through pop culture.
Example: Study the affects of Wwii for Japanese Americans through political cartoons, movies, photography, etc.

Analyze issues of socioeconomic class through planning and development.
Example: build a development project with solutions to the needs of those living in poverty stricken communities.

Analyze issues of sexism through media.
Example: Make a scrapbook of stereotypical portrayals of both men and women. Collate both obvious and negative stereotypes and determine the struggles they face as a effect of these stereotypes.

Recommended Resources
Becoming Multicultural Educators by Geneva Gay
Beyond Heros and Holidays by Enid Lee
Lies My Teachers Told Me: all Your American History Textbook Got Wrong by James Loewen

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